Friday, September 19, 2008

Pieces of Pullman (part I) : winco

So my first real blog about nothing associated with school, but about life in Pullman in general. Or in this case, Moscow, ID, which is where my supermarket, Winco, is located. It's definitely a far cry from the Trader Joe's and Whole Foods that I've left behind, and more of a cross between Costco (price-wise) and Super A (atmosphere-wise). ...I know. you can't believe I'm shopping here.

<--But check this out! ALL THAT FOOD!!! FOR $44.09!!! 2 fillets of snapper, buttersquash soup, tomato soup, milk, wheat bread, udon, yogurt, veggies, the list goes on. It blows my mind. Another idea I'm completely drawn to is their cereal aisle. They have the normal boxes too, but this way, I can have a different bowl of cereal everyday for 30 days! How amazing! Theoretically I could just buy 7 different boxes of cereal and alternate between boxes, but I'm one of those people who feels guilty about opening a new box before the old one is finished. Then there are those little tiny-individual-bowl boxes of cereal, but that option consists of way too much packaging and is consumerism to the max. This way, I have my cereal variety and my mind is at ease. The barrels on the floor are different baking mixes-- muffin mix, cornbread mix, chocolate cake mix, etc. so you don't need to buy the boxes and you can buy as much or as little as you want.

And, as my mom pointed out when she was here, they have some of the asian stuff I wouldn't have expected them to. i.e wonton skins, BOTH types of tofu, and more than one kind of soy sauce. The Japanese student in my lab, So, told me the quality of fish here is not very good, but considering I can't go 6 months without fish, I've made do. So far I've tried the sockeye salmon, red snapper, and dover sole. The dover sole has been the best was the best so far. I've got a catfish fillet still in the fridge, but my hopes aren't high. They are all however, wild-caught and pretty fresh by the packaging date. I'll lay off the red snapper since I realized its an eco-worst fish. Sad, since my recipe was really delicious.

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